Klaus Schwab and the Coming Human Reset, Billy Crone
This is Billys third expose on Schwab and the World Economic Forum. After reviewing the material in this book, the publisher refused to print the book and then canceled Billys entire collection of prophecy books going back many years. What is in this book they found so offensive There was a time they operated in the shadows, but now, with the help of wealthy globalists and a corrupt media their actions are out in the open. Cyborgs, super soldiers, transhumanists and yes Human 2. 0 it fits in perfectly with their plans. A one world government, a one world economy, a cashless society and a surveillance system that circles the entire globe the system of the Beast. GET THE BOOK AND DVDS: Were the Prophecy Watchers. We have a long history of working to bring the truth of Bible prophecy to an audience of Christian believers who may not have local access to sound prophetic teach