Giacomo Lauri Volpi sings Cielo e mar from La Gioconda
Giacomo LauriVolpi sings Enzo s aria ( Cielo e mar ) from La Gioconda by Ponchielli. I hope You will enjoy the great LauriVolpi s rendition. You can find a film version on lorerad s channel (check it, it s great ), but that contains only the first verse, while this is the complete aria. (Notice that Laurivolpi sang the last Bflat immediately on the word vien, without climbing from the previous, more opened ah. I think it s more difficult, but obviously meant no problem for LauriVolpi. 8) ) Lyrics: Cielo e mar L etereo velo Splende come un santo altar. L angiol mio verra dal cielo L angiol mio verra dal mare Qui l attendo; ardente spira oggi il vento dell amor. Ah Quell uom che vi sospira vi conquide, o sogni d or Per l aura fonds non appar né suol né monte. L orizzonte bacia l onda L on