Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv 10 hours
This video is perfect for playing, studying, working and just relaxing before bed. In this video, you will find triggers of all kinds. I would even say it s best ASMR video. it s mereana mordegard glesgorv 10 hours asmr asmr asmr asmr. timecodes: 0:00 start 1:00:00 hand sounds 2:00:00 asmr eating 3:00:00 asmr tapping 4:00:00 asmr reiki 5:00:00 whisper 6:00:00 lightning 7:00:00 asmr massage 8:00:00 asmr unboxing 9:00:00 asmr ufc 10:00:00 Asmr hypnosis In March 2008, a message came to the RelaxTube headquarters in Saint Bruno about a man who was on a fatal high. The letter said that before that he had allegedly watched a video posted on the website with the strange name asmr video 10 hours. RelaxTube employees ignored the letter, but a week later Kaifgle and RelaxTube learned about the incredible thrill of people under the same circumstances. One of the site administrators tried to watch this tenhour video, accumulating stress in advance, and already at 40 seconds he began to relax.