PYRAMID LEG DAY Dumbbell Leg Workout, Pyramid Series Day 1
Pyramid leg day Lets hit it The pace is slow. The focus on maintaining perfect form. We will work on hypertrophy in the entire lower body with the quads, hamstrings, glutes and as always the core strength and stability using compound movements. The dumbbells I am using for your reference are 15kg each. I use one heavier dumbbell of 25kg for the Sumo Squats 20 work 20 rest 40 work 20 rest 60 work 20 rest 40 work 20 rest 20 work 20 rest SQUATS 1 1, 2 REP SUMO SQUATS RDL STATIC LUNGE (all one side) STATIC LUNGE (opposite side) STAGGERED RDL (one side) STAGGERED RDL (switch side) REAR STEP LUNGE (one side) REAR STEP LUNGE (switch side) Finisher: 20, 20, 20, 20, 60 UNEVEN SQUAT SQUAT TO LUNGE (same side) UNEVEN SQUAT (switch) SQUAT TO LUNGE (same side) ALTERNATING LUNGE TO CLOSE SQUAT Simple exercises. Slow pace. Serious work Starting The Pyramid Series w