Building a cabin in the woods, from log to lumber. An off grid DIY project with friends
Plans for sale: A fewyears afterour cabin burned in a wildfire Molly and I were inspired to build another where it stood. Just for funsies. This one would be much more humble. Less a tiny house and more a modern take on your basic alpine hut that stocks theessentials. 200 square feet, saltbox roof, unconventional and exposed framing, a simple kitchen. Room to comfortably sleep three. All the woodother than the floor joists and plywoodwas either chainsaw milled by us on site, or is salvage from a farm about 20 miles down the coast. It s all redwood, except the dougfir floor. The treeswe milled were all killed in thewildfire, then either fell in winter storms, or were felled by us. That wood was dried for about a year and the build took over a following five months. Materials cost was 17, 400. The bulk of that was in the salvaged old growth redwood (7100) and the French doors and two sliding windo