Saint Saëns Le carnaval des animaux ( The Carnival of the Animals) (1886)
Le carnaval des animaux (The Carnival of the Animals) (1886) I. Introduction et marche royale du lion (Introduction and Royal March of the Lion) 0:00 II. Poules et coqs (Hens and Roosters) 1:58 III. Hémiones animaux véloces (Wild Asses quick animals) 2:42 IV. Tortues (Tortoises) 3:22 V. L éléphant (The Elephant) 5:24 VI. Kangourous (Kangaroos) 6:55 VII. Aquarium 7:51 VIII. Personnages à longues oreilles (Characters with Long Ears) 9:58 IX. Le coucou au fond des bois (The Cuckoo in the Depths of the Woods) 10:35 X. Volière (Aviary) 12:40 XI. Pianistes (Pianists) 13:52 XII. Fossiles (Fossils) 15:15 XIII. Le cygne (The Swan) 16:41 XIV. Finale 19:40 This is a famous musical suite by French composer Camille SaintSaëns (18351921), written while on vacation in Austria in 1886. It is scored for a chamber ensemble of flute, piccolo, clarinet (B flat and C), two pianos, glass harmonica, xylophone