Friday Night Funkin All Songs but every turn a Different Skin Mod is used
Well as promised the Friday Night Funkin skin showcase compilation for every week songs. This video includes all different skin mod used during every turn, Boyfriend turn or specific character turn. All the videos used in this skin mod compilation belongs to me and no one else. Once again I still want people to know that I did use a bot to keep things well sync because I don t intend on hiding that fact since I wanted to make this video as a fun viewing experience while delivering people exposure of new skin mods out there. Although this series was somewhat repetitive I have to say that it was worth it by the end run since I somehow managed to make a whole Friday Night Funkin Full Weeks skin mod showcases. I also added the high effort ugh and unused Ridge song video in this compilation because although they may not be official I found the music to be quite enjoyable. Overall, this has been an amazing project which I hope to update this video when week 7 and so on comes out but for now I plan on