BACH, , The Well Tempered Consort II by Phantasm
Release date March 2021 Stream, ,Download, ,Buy Coming soon This is the second instalment in Phantasms series of recordings dedicated to the keyboard music of J. S. Bach. The first was named a Chamber Choice by BBC Music Magazine and Prise de son dexception by Diapason. This new recording explores further riches from both volumes of Bachs WellTempered Clavier arranged by director Laurence Dreyfus for viol consort. Reimaging Bachs keyboard polyphony as consort music has the dual benefits of expanding Bachs chamber oeuvre whilst also presenting these highlycherished works as seemingly new, never before heard gems, ripe for discovery. Despite its pedagogical inception Bachs musical imagination imbues the WellTempered Clavier with intellectually complex fugues and preludes bursting with dancing melodies. Phantasm offers a wealth of insights into these highly artistic works revealing sonorities and colours that are both dynamically expressive and revelatory. FACEBOOK