Blade Runner Black Out 2022
Set three years after the events of Blade Runner, 3, the Tyrell Corporation has developed the new Nexus8 line of replicants, who now possess natural, openended lifespans equivalent to that of a regular human. This causes a massive backlash among the human populace, who begin hunting down and killing replicants. One of these replicants, Trixie, is attacked by a group of thugs but is rescued by Iggy, who effortlessly disarms and kills the thugs. Iggy reveals to her that he used to be a soldier on a planet called Kalathania, but deserted when he realized the enemy soldiers he had been fighting and killing were also replicants. Iggy recruits Trixie for an operation carried out by an underground replicant freedom movement to destroy the Tyrell Corporation s database of registered replicants, so that replicants can no longer be hunted. Trixie befriends Ren, who is a technician in charge of launching nuclear missiles and a replicant sympathizer. Ren agrees to redirect a test missile to detonate over Los Angeles,