Orca Encounter ( Makani distracted by a Sardine) March 21, 2021 Sea World San Diego
DO NOT USE MY VIDEOS YOU WILL BE REPORTED SPECIAL MONDAY PRESENTATION Thumbnail Photo Corky making a bow near the end of the show. 12pm Show hate the lines outside grrr lol but it wasnt as bad as last saturday, again with Temperature Check, then Bag check, then one more line to go inside SeaWorld just to scan the pass, then more lines just to visit the worth it though lol and being late gave me this wonderful different angle, i am directly in the firing line of the orcas, otherwise i would be sitting by the slideout, one other difference that SWC has compared to SWT, SWF since its an open venue(no ceiling) you can see the natural sunlight on the orcas, and it gives you a different view, compared to the dark view at SWT, and a bit better at SWF, i saw pictures and videos of the old stadium before they covered up the dome on top of SWT, it provided natural lighting Host behaviorist Stephanie (thanks johnny morales) Shouka with behaviorist Brad Keet with behaviorist