clint natasha, I hope I was your favorite crime + 1x06
watch in hd (+ subtitles) Love is for children. I owe him a I wasnt expecting it, but Hawkeye kinda succeeded in becoming one of my favorite mcu show Right under wandavision I just cant believe it Well, what can I say about this video First, you need to know that Clintasha was one (along with kastle and peter, gwen) of my few favorite het marvel ships and I will always be mad that they never canonized them (like they did in, you know, THE COMICS). But in this house we stan suffering, so in the end I didnt mind that much hahaha Second, I started this video in june, after hearing this song (which I thought really suited them after what happened in endgame), hoping to see more flashback scenes of them in Black Widow. As you know, we didnt exactly get them, so for a while I thought to not finish the and then hawkeye happened. And, pardon my french, I knew I was fucked: they fucking stuckied me I cant believe their audacity (to clarify: to me it means that both bucky