Can Lotteries Solve The National Debt (1950)
Full title reads: Can Lotteries Solve The National Debt Australia. GV Exterior New South Wales, Sydney lottery office. SV Elevated people queuing for tickets. SV Back view pan staff issuing tickets. SV Women writing out tickets. CU person at window CU Through window people waiting for tickets. CU Ticket being torn from book and handed over. CU Hand putting money into till. SV Drum revolving. SV Police sergeant looking on. SV Man takes number from drum with ladle, places it in ladle held by another man, and it is then taken by a third man. CU man broadcasting lucky number. He says (Nat. snd. ) First prize ticket number 20561 LV Cameraman walking up to house of Mrs. McCullum of Turramurra. SV Cameraman knocking on door. Mrs. McCullum comes to door. CU Mrs McCullum looking astonished She turns round and runs in but reporter pulls her out again CU Reporter and Mrs McCullum on doorstep. LV The Morton homestead. SV Mrs Morton, early lottery winner and two daughters seated in home looking at scrapbook. C