Which Long term Relationships Will Survive and Which Wont
From the outside, it seems impossible to predict whether a couple will break up or stay we fathom the fundamental reason why all breakups occur. Sign up to our new newsletter and get 10 off your first online order of a book, product or class: For books and more from The School of Life, visit our online shop: Our website has therapy, articles and products to help you lead a more fulfilled life: FURTHER READING You can read more on this and other subjects on our blog, here: It can seem very confusing why certain longterm relationships survive and some dont. It can from afar look as if its the most cruel and alarming sort of lottery. Trying to explain love to a child or a visitor from another planet promises to be a perplexing matter indeed: all couples on their wedding day are united in wanting to make things work. Then, for reasons beyond anyones