Rhythm Heaven Custom Remix
Time to break the rules a little Don t be thrown by sudden just do what feels natural It s easy as (No practice. ) Hey folks thought I d try my hand at another one of these I said I d only do more if I found a great song for it and lookee here, I did. No clue if I ll do another after this HUGE thanks to the Rhythm Heaven Modding Discord as well as Rhythm Gehenna for all their amazing help on this remix I dabbled in modding the game to get the Crop Stomp segment, as well as to remove the falling snow particles from Karate Man and HUD elements from Samurai Slice (Endless). I also used Mariofan5000 s version of Airboarder without the staff credits present, so thanks for that And as usual this could never have even been done in the first place without Rhythm Heaven Remix Editor, which I d highly recommend to anyone even looking to dabble in this. I decided to challenge myself somewhat by limiting it to a single gam