Plein Air Landscape Oil Painting, Evening light at Trelissick, Cornwall
Hello everyone today we are plein air oil painting in the evening light at Trelissick, Cornwall. This is a beautiful landscape and one I have returned to several times. I used a 10 x8 (25cm x 20cm approx) plywood panel on my Jullian French Easel. I used a couple of filberts, rounds and a rigger brush. I also used turpentine and a Michael Harding medium which is similar to the one I make myself (I prefer my own but have to use up this one ). Colours used Titanium White, Lemon Yellow, Cadmium Yellow, Naples Yellow, Cadmium Red, Magenta, Indian Red, Raw Sienna, Raw Umber, Violet, Ultramarine Blue, Cerulean Blue, Cobalt Blue, Ivory Black. Again I thank my daughter Madeleine, who helped me film this one. Please leave any questions in the Comments section I do my best to reply to everyone. Bye for now Andrew Like the video Why not buy me a coffee