The Ugly Truth: Vibrating Underwear HD CLIP
Whats happening in this The Ugly Truth movie clip Abby (Katherine Heigl from Knocked Up and Greys Anatomy) and Mike (Gerard Butler from Olympus has Fallen and 300) are at a business dinner, and when Mike is a little too familiar with their boss, Abby kicks him, accidentally dropping the remote control of her vibrating underwear. Unfortunately, a young boy finds it on the floor, and, intrigued, picks it up and starts playing with it while Abby is presenting her project. When she starts to feel the panties vibrating, she panics, especially as she finds it more and more difficult to hold back her Click to Buy, Rent The Ugly Truth on iTunes: Whats the The Ugly Truth movie about Abby Richter (Katherine Heigl from Knocked Up and Greys Anatomy) is a lovelorn TV producer who, despite a long and arduous search for the perfect mate, is hopelessly single. The battle of the sexes heats up when her employers team her up with Mike Chadway (Gerard Butler from Ol