Tipping in the USA Explained Visit America
Tipping at restaurants and bars is a part of the US culture. It is typical for servers to be paid less than minimum wage for jobs, and they then earn the bulk of their income from tips. The tipping culture actually ends up helping the waiters and waitresses earn more money than minimum wage. They also share their tips with the hostess that seats you, the bus boys who clear the tables and the cooking staff in the back. So they do not get to keep every penny you give them. Here are some typical tipping amounts in the US. Sit Down Restaurant Staff: 15 to 20. Bartenders: 15 to 20 or 12 per drink if paying cash. Taxis: 510. Hotel cleaning staff 25 per day. Typing is not required by law in the US. It is a part of the US though. But your tip could be helping a single mom feed her children or a college student to pay for school. I realize this topic is a touchy subject for many tourists heading to The US, but I just wanted to let you know how tipping works in the US. Filmed on Ellis Island, USA Cop