Sterpazzolina Subalpine Warbler ( Sylvia cantillans)
IT: Primi piani di Sterpazzolina (Sylvia cantillans), un uccelletto che si nasconde bene e difficile da vedere in tranquillità. EN: Closeups of Subalpine Warbler (Sylvia cantillans), a small bird that hides well and is difficult to see in peace. EN: NOTICE: From now on, at the end of the already programmed videos, I am forced to increase the visual annoyance of the signature on my videos. I will probably also be forced to give up posting new videos or completely remove my channel from YouTube. YouTube seems to favor creatives who use the original material stolen from honest videomakers. Original material that costs efforts and sacrifices very different from cutting out other people s material from a desk. I don t want to continue being robbed on the same platform on which I share my videos, so either YouTube is actively acting to hinder this selfcannibalism of yours or I think YouTube will find itself devoured. IT: AVVISO: Da questo momento, alla fine dei video già programmati, sono costretto ad aument