The City of Dunwich ( Italian Horror inspired short w, Carlo Maria Cordio score)
THE CITY OF DUNWICH Starring: Ryan Capizzi, Wayne Camp (voice) Soundtrack by: Carlo Maria Cordio Director of Photography: Giancarlo Franco Edited by: Eugenio Landi Special Effects: Sidd Web Produced by: Chris Milewski Written Directed by: Luciano Imperoli The City of Dunwich is a short supernatural horror film featuring Ryan Capizzi (THE THOUSAND STEPS) that pays homage to the films of Lucio Fulci and Joe D Amato and features original score by maestro Carlo Maria Cordio (Fulci s AENIGMA, D Amato s ABSURD, Fragasso s TROLL 2, etc. ) The film also contains minor participation from Wayne Camp (D Amato s DEEP BLOOD, WAR BABY, etc. ) for added authenticity. One can expect a mysterious, twisting story about a marina owner and a steamboat explosion in typical Filmiracle Productions style (a wise story idea for the indie budget. )