Young Blood for Old Brains
Air date: Wednesday, March 31, 2021, 3pm Duration: 00 :59 :40 Description: Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series WALS Florence S. Mahoney Lectures on Aging Dr. WyssCoray is the D. H. Chen Professor in the Department of Neurology Neurological Sciences, Stanford University School of Medicine, and CoDirector, NIH Alzheimers Disease Research Center. He and the WyssCoray research team are following up on earlier discoveries which showed that circulatory blood factors can modulate brain structure and function, and that factors from young organisms can rejuvenate old brains and, vice versa, factors from old mice are detrimental for young mice and impair cognition. WyssCorays lab is part of the Glenn Center for Aging at Stanford University, the Stanford Neurosciences Institutes Brain Rejuvenation Project, and NIH Alzheimers Disease Research Center. He and his team are funded by the American Heart Association, Allen Initiative, NIA, and the NOMIS Foundation Evidence has indi