Canadian Slang: 26 Words to Speak like a Canadian Useful Vocabulary from Canada, eh
Im just a humble Canuck from The Six, but I lost my Toque when I got into a kerfuffle with a Mountie while waiting at Timmies for my Double Double. It was a real Gong show and now I just want to relax on my Chesterfield and watch the hockey game with a TwoFour, eh In todays English lesson youre going to learn a lot of essential words to help you improve your Canadian English. The Canadian slang in todays lesson is used in daily life in Canada. Learning this vocabulary from Canada will help you to improve your English skills and sound more like a native English speaker. In this lesson you will learn the following 26 Canadian slang words plus a few bonus words: Eh Canuck Hoser Molson Muscle TwoFour Mickey Timmies (Tim Hortons) Double Double Loonie Toonie Toque Chesterfield Kerfuffle Gong Show The Six (Toronto) The Peg (Winnipeg) Mountie Klicks Snowbird Keener Homo Milk Runners Pop Pencil Crayons