Ché Aimee Dorval Blood Red Son ( Official Music Video)
Blood Red Son is the first single from Ché Aimee Dorval s upcoming album The Crowned, produced by Bob Rock, to be released by Icons Creating Evil Art in Jan 2023. Directed by Aaron Nathanson KoYoProductions This project has been made possible in part by FACTOR Canada and the Government of Canada. Special Thanks to Christopher Queen, Kyle Mulligan, Michael Bouché, Nathaniel Hill, Sveinb86, Nadia Lee Monaghan, Dustin Atwood, Glenn Hawkins, William Conn Matias Karihtala , ChéAimeeDorval, TheCrowned, iconsecreatingevilart, bobrock Blood debt in exile, Sweat the bottom line; expectant me Hold a fate, whos ticking time persists Stagger me, disbelief, As if I ever wanted Flood met br, br,