SHOWBIZ: Greta Garbo to wed (1938)
BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Spying on mosttalkedabout romance of the moment Exclusive pictures of Greta Garbo and Leopold Stokowski. Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Greta Garbo to wed ITALY: Ravello: Gen. view of Ravello. Semi view Villa Cimbrone. Top view people on balcony. Semi view Cimbrone nameplate. CU letter addressed to Garbo. Long view semi view Stokowski hiding face with book going to see garbo. Long view Stokowski runs into cameraman. Long view along avenue of trees in grounds. Gen. view bay from the terrace. Semi view Garbo on terrace. Long view Stokowski on lies down. Semi view Garbo on hands to head in sleeping waddles away. Personalities Musicians; Personalities Performers; Gossip; Greta Garbo (19051990), Leopold Stokowski (18821977) Background: Spying on mosttalkedabout romance of the mom