Zeb Atlas Feat. Pearly Gates Love Hangover
Zeb Atlas, the world s leading gay icon, starred in our video Stop For Love with Pearly Gates, a video that has to date had a stunning 140, 000+ views Zeb and Pearly s sizzling new version of the classic Diana Ross hit Love Hangover has gained even more attention and press coverage and gossip onthe gay network since it was leaked on The Sword website on the 16th January without our knowledge. The intention of this project (and Zeb will agree with this) is not to proclaim to the world that he is a singer but to create a product that fans will enjoy visually as well as musically by ensuring that Zeb is aiming to be nothing but himself. So, you queens out there, please refrain from making any bitchy comments and just sit back, chill and enjoy Zeb and if you want to see more future dance productions with Zeb, please support us by spending just 99p on downloading the track from iTunes where the single is expected to be released in February 11. So now here it