Kenny Reaction To Meeting Rick Sanchez From Rick And Morty High On Life 2022
The reaction of Kenny when metting Rick Sanchez from the show of Rick and Morty in High on life game. To create this video, I created my own mod of Rick Sanchez replacing Dr Gurgula; to do so, I used blender and Unreal Engine to create the mod (3D model + textures and materials). For the voice over, I have used deepfake technology to imitate the voice of Rick Sanchez and then put the voice lines piece by piece together with the video scenes. All raw footage were recorded and edited by me in a transformative manner. This scene is not present in the game in it s current form. Channel description BbyZone is a channel that provides unique videos, game mods, high quality guides, easter eggs, tips tricks, and playthrough of video games. I help entertain educate my viewers through my unique videos, game mods and walkthrough footages which are all recorded and edited by me. I have written permission from the publisher for the games I cover.