Once Upon A December from the movie Anastasia, Cover by Julia Arredondo
Happy 2017 everyone I am back to kick off the year with a new and improved cover of Once Upon A December from the animated film, Anastasia. This has been my most viewed and liked video on youtube so I thought I would revamp it a little since it s been five years since I uploaded the original (And OMG did you all see how Anastasia is being brought to life on Broadway this year I ve already purchased my tickets, I m so excited ) Thank you all for the support and I hope you love this video Check out my latest music video for my Once Upon A December Make sure to watch in HD and with headphones For this cover, I used the backing track provided by Laranja Channel. Check out their video here: FOLLOW ME: Twitter: JuliaaEliseee Instagram: juliaelisearredondo CREDITS: Audio produced, and ed