What Are All These 9mm Cartridges, And Why
Cool Forgotten Weapons merch 00:00 Introduction 00:38 Limitations of this video 01:22 9mm Luger 05:22 9mm Largo 07:01 9mm Browning Long 10:11 . 380 Auto, 9x17mm 12:08 9mm Mauser Export 13:38 9mm Steyr 15:50 9x18mm Ultra, Police 18:08 9x18mm Makarov Why do we have so many different 9mm cartridges, and what are they all Why are 9mm Steyr and 9mm Largo virtually identical and yet different, while 9x18 Ultra and 9x18 Makarov are completely different Well, today we will explore the wide word of 9mm cartridges. Starting with the origins of 9mm Parabellum as the neckedup coin of Georg Luger s 7. 65mm Parabellum through the other 9mm rounds developed in the halcyon days of automatic pistol development and then a few of the more modern additions. In particular, we will cover: 9mm Parabellum, aka 9mm Para, 9mm Luger, 9x19mm, 9mm NATO. The first of these 9m