Pop Singer, High Diver Aka Peter Elliott AKA Singing Swimmer (1958)
Roehampton, London. L, S of a music studio, recording engineer Douglas Larter is sat at an 8 channel mixer consul and recording assistant Malcolm Addey is operating a large tape machine. C, Us of Douglas and Malcolm operating their machines. C, U of the tape machine. M, S of Peter Elliott singing at a microphone and the musical director and composer Tony Osborne stood conducting. C, U of the tape running through the machine, various shots of the mixer consul. M, S of Peter and Tony, Keith Slaughter pushes a microphone into the frame. Various shots of Peter and Tony discussing the music, C, U of the music. M, S as Peter smiles at Tony and leaves the frame. Exterior Roehampton swimming pool, there are various showgirls and dancers from the Pigalle Club sat around in swimming costumes. The narrator explains that although Peter is now a pop singer he used to be British National Springboard Diving Champion. M, S of identical twins Pauline and Pamela Chamberlain in matching leopard skin costumes, and Jackie