Chingri Malaikari Recipe Bengali Prawn Malai Curry Bengali Prawn Curry Noboborsho Special
Chingri malaikari is an iconic Bengali prawn curry made by cooking large tiger prawns (bagda chingri) or giant freshwater prawns (golda chingri) in a supersubtle, supercreamy coconutmilk sauce. Dont be fooled by the elegant appearance of this wellloved Bengali treatchingri malaikari looks deceptively complicated to cook, when in reality it is easier to make than even chicken or egg curry The name of this chingri macher recipe bears somewhat of a double meaning. Malai meaning cream recalls the coconutmilk base in which the prawns are cooked. However, this prawn recipe seems to have made its way into Bengali kitchens through contact with Malaysian traders; so malaikari is actually Malay curry, which over time became malai curry. In this detailed video we show you how to prepare a gorgeous, creamy chingri malaikari, starting with a walkthrough of how you can clean and devein giant tiger (bagda) or freshwater (golda) prawns. With this stepbystep recipe video at your disposal