Painting Green Color Scheme for Torchlight Brigade, O12, Corvus Belli Infinity
Today I will show you a cool color scheme for the brand new O12 Torchlight Brigade releases from Corvus Bellis infinity. But of course you could also use the same color scheme for a faction in any other miniature range as well. First let me show you some of the cool new minis that come in the box and an interesting new thing that I havent seen in any infinity box before. And then Ill give you an easy to follow step by step guide on how I painted the green armor, the bronze and the steel bits as well as the glowing pinkish purple sword if you want to use it for your own Torchlight Brigade or some other faction or game system. Follow me at: Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:32 Looking at t the Torchlight Brigade Box 2:56 Green Armor 8:01 Bronze Trim 9:27 NMM Steel 13:09 Pink glowing Sword 13:36 End Result , miniaturepainting, corvusbelli, corvusbelliinfinity, tourchlightbrigade InfinityO12, inifintyo12, w