William Saliba: August Arsenal Loan Report, ft The Marseille View, , Tactical Breakdown
William Saliba: August Arsenal Loan Report, ft The Marseille View, ,TacticalBreakdown Thank you so much for all your support with the channel. Please help us just that little bit more by voting for us in the Football Content Awards. Information on how to vote is below (please vote across as many platforms as possible): Click the link below to vote on Twitter: Click this link to vote on Instagram. (Just simply tag thegoonertalk in the comment section of the post): To vote on their website. Click the below link, scroll to Best Club Content Creator and click on the Premier League and select The Gooner Talk Tv Tom Arsenal Fan Brand Writer, Presenter at Reach If you would like to vote for us please TWEET the following: I am voting for TheGoonerTalkTv in TheFCAs for, BestClubCreator OR You can use the bel