The Rose of Versailles: Fersen and Marie Antoinette ( Cosmos 2001)
Hans Axel von Fersen (Swedish Count) Wao Youka MarieAntoinette (Queen Consort of King Louis XVI of France) Hanafusa Mari Oscar François de Jarjayes (female captain of the royal guards in charge of the queen) Ayaki Nao André Grandier (Oscar s childhood friend, grandson of Oscar s wet nurse) Mizu Natsuki Louis XVI (King of France) Oomine Mayu Count of Provence (Louis XVI s younger brother) Manaka Hikaru Count of MercyArgenteau (MarieAntoinette s tutor, Austrian ambassador to Paris) Misa Noeru Maria Theresa (Empress of Austria, MarieAntoinette s mother) Jou Hiroe