Chad Smith Plays Under The Bridge , Red Hot Chili Peppers
Chad Smith plays the iconic Red Hot Chili Peppers track Under the Bridge. The song features dynamic changes in the drumming that help build intensity. Starting with a gentle, laidback groove, the drums gradually build up in the chorus, adding to the song s crescendo and emotional release. Under the Bridge by Red Hot Chili Peppers, from the album Blood Sugar Sex Magik (1992), explores loneliness with introspective lyrics and iconic guitar work. It reached No. 2 on the Billboard Hot 100 and remains a beloved classic and live show staple for the band. FREE 7DAY TRIAL Follow Chad Smith: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Learn Drums Here: Free Lessons: Our Favorite Music Products: Follow us: The Drumeo Beat: Facebook: Instagram: TikTok: , Drumeo, ChadSmith, RedHotChiliPeppers