Monserrat Figueras El Cant de la Sibil la I ( Direction: Jordi Savall)
Monserrat Figueras El Cant de la Sibilla I (Direction: Jordi Savall) 00:00 Sibilla Latine Barcelona XXI. siecle 18:13 Sibilla Provençale Montpellier, Lectionarium XIIXIII siecle 31:35 Sibilla Catalane Seu d Urgale XV. siecle The Song of the Sibyl The Song of the Sibyl (Catalan: El Cant de la Sibilla əɫ ˈkand də ɫə siˈβiɫːə) is a liturgical drama and a Gregorian chant, the lyrics of which compose a prophecy describing the Apocalypse, which has been performed at some churches of Majorca (Balearic Islands, Spain) and Alghero (Sardinia, Italy), and some Catalan churches, in Catalan language on Christmas Eve nearly uninterruptedly since medieval times. It was declared a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO on November 16, 2010. (for the details about The Song of the Sibyl: Jordi Savall on Spotify: