(2022) Take a walk , 16mm anamorphic 4 K
The beautiful Japan sea washes the city of Vladivostok from its three sides. One guy decided to take a walk and meet the sunrise there on the seashore. He saw the hot summer sun shone on the deadly cliffs of the coast. This video is an art sketch and at the same time is a technical test of film cameras and lenses. , krasnogorsk3, konvas, kodak, fujifilm Music: Cover by Second Hand Symphony Take a Walk (orig. Passion Pit), Passion Pit Take a Walk , Technical details: camera: 1KSR1M Konvas 35mm, Krasnogorsk3 16mm lenses: Zenitar 16mm FishEye (for 4:3 shots), Helios44M4, Mir1V, M42 K1 Converter, 35NAP23M filters: Marumi MC85A, +1 diopter filter (for ECU shots) film: Kodak Vision2 500T 5229, Kodak Vision3 500T 7219, Fuji Eterna Vivid 160 8643 proccess: ECN2 (lab) transfer: selfdesigned film scaning system 2022