Still Alive Klaas Willems
Klaas Willems is a Rock Climber who, due to his Cystic Fibrosis, has dedicated his life to climbing in clean air. He has bolted hundreds of routes in nonpolluted areas like Sardinia, Italy and found great success and peace in the process. His journey takes on a new dimension when he is also diagnosed with cancer. This multiwardwinning documentary tells the story of Klaas. Film Credits: Climber: Klaas Willems ( ) Director: Santino Martirano ( ) Editor: Brian Szymanski ( ) Color: Clinton Hollister ( ) Sound Design: Hayley Kay ( ) Music: Cleod9 Music (cleod9music), Goth Babe (gothbabemusic) Sponsors: Petzl, La Sportiva, Rocky Talkie, Additional Footage: Klaas Willems, Erik WIllems, Sean Villanueva, Nico Favresse, Paolo Stagnoli, Vincent Schampaert, Rafael Thomele, Maay Sterckx, David Steele, Cat Geras, Tim Dedobbeleer, Peter Raquet