Koenji Hyakkei, The Lexington, London, 12 May 2019 (full set)
Baba Yaga s Hut Favourite Gigs Koenji Hyakkei, The Lexington, London, 12 May 2019 00:00 Becttem Pollt 06:00 Levhorm 15:08 Rattims Friezz 23:40 Nivraym 32:25 Grembo Zavia 42:20 Phlessttighas 49:10 Vreztemtraiv 01:00:48 Rissenddo Rraimb 01:09:15 Classical Music Medley (encore) Yoshida Tatsuya drums, vox Sakamoto Kengo bass, vox Yabuki Taku keyboards AH vox Komori Keiko reeds, vox Koganemaru Kei guitar