Mirror, A KSP Cinematic Movie ENG, FR, Kerbalish by x Dark Monkeyz
Kerbalish Version : French Version : Mirror s Unused Footage : Here it is Mirror After 6 months of work, I finally finished it. Mirror is a Interstellar fiction adventure involving the four legendary Kerbals we all know. This video has been by far, my most ambitious project 63 minutes, 826 cut, hundreds lines of diaglogues, 15 musics, +30 crafts (Ship and Interiors) and so Please, feel free to give your thoughts, good or bad :) Thank you to the voice actors Jake Ward (Jebediah) : Chris Grunau (Bill): Jay Ortiz (Bob): Stanzi Carpenter (Valentina): Dena Darvish Derakhshan (Henry): Ricky Gray Jr (Daniel): Jolly Roger Aerospace (Gerry): CristopherK (President): h