S Y Z Y G Y X Body Attack ( Official Video)
Instagram: Soundcloud: facebook: Video premiere: S Y Z Y G Y X about (Im)mortal: You can call this album Immortal or Im mortal, the idea of the title (Im)mortal is that both ways apply, there is no right or wrong way. Since I was a kid, I always struggled with the concept of mortality, not as a body, but as a person, as an artist. Once I started studying the lives of long gone artists I realized they were still alive, through their art. I believe art transcends human life. This album touches that, and many emotions that Ive felt throughout the past year (and really, ever in my human life). This is me, uncensored. Me sad, me happy, me angry, me in love, me losing hope, me gaining hope, the many parts of me, as a human being, as an artist, every part that hopes to live through my art, and past my human body. And per usual, I wa