Madonna Love Spent ( Acoustic) Piano version
OK, I ll admit: after Give me all your Luvin I expected MDNA to be awful. Thankfully, the album has turned out to be absolutely great, phew. I still don t like GMAYL, but at least we got the LMFAO remix which is SO much better, for my taste, that is. Love spent has me absolutely obsessed. Best song in the album by far if you ask me. Not the normal one (which is still great) but the acoustic one. Gang Bang, Some girls and Falling Free are also pretty great. Overall the album is good, but Love Spent has me obsessed. I m ultra busy with thesis work so I just trained this song like 5 times last night and another 3 this morning. So this is, like, the 9th time I play this song there s a couple of mistakes in the video apologies for that but I don t have more time to dedicate to this since I have to focus on my thesis work. In any case, I think it s decent enough to present in Youtube So there you have it. My piano rendition of Love Spe br, br,