GOSPOD Pan, New Album, Tizer 2023
Is a deeply emotional and historically intense musical album that invites listeners to take a journey into the heart of ancient Greece. It is an album that takes us through time and space, right to the feet of the god Pan. Each track is a reflection of different aspects of this mythological being his passions, struggles, triumphs and tragedies. This is not just a musical album, but a living portrait of the ancient god, resurrected by the power of sound. Pan invites us to touch the greatness of ancient mythology, reminding us of the eternity and immortality of art and music. Prodigal: In the far reaches of ancient Greece, Pan, god of nature and shepherds, began his prodigal journey. Departing from his father, Hermes, he indulged in a voluptuous exploration of the world, pursuing enchanted nymphs and carefully selecting tunes for his magic flute. He became a prodigal wayfarer, chasing after the pleasures and enchantments provided by nature and her daughters. Shepherd quot