The Innocence of Lee Harvey Oswald
Gary Fannin discusses his book The Innocence of Oswald: 50+ Years of Lies, Deception Deceit in the Murders of President John F. Kennedy Officer J. D. Tippit. With the sleuthing skills of a twentyfirst century Philip Marlowe, Mr. Fannin argues that neither the Dallas Police Department nor the FBI had sufficient evidence to convict Lee Harvey Oswald. Fannin also uncovered information regarding the role of Roscoe White during this tragic saga. A Dallas Police officer, Fannin purports that White had CIA connections and was known in intelligence circles as Mandarin. Fannin claims that the CIA arranged for White to work at the Dallas Police Department in October 1963 and that his wife Geneva worked for Jack Rubys Carousel Club. During his talk, Fannin will also present information that was revealed by Billy Sol Estes during his later years regarding various murders for hire. A businessman convicted of a fraud scandal, Estes was closely associated with several elected officials including Lyndon Jo