20 Minute Meatloaf Simply Delicious
Believe my guys, our 20 minute meatloaf is really simply delicious. I have never been a fan of microwave cooking. As stated in the video, it is probably due to the bias that anything done in the microwave is a Hungryman Dinner. This is far from the truth. A microwave can be very useful in the kitchen if used wisely. This is how our 20 minute meatloaf was cooked. Honestly, it came out simply delicious. I have to admit that when I first made it I was shocked. Who would ever think that an entire meatloaf can be cooked in this short time frame. But it can indeed. Watch the video, give it a try, and let us know what you think. For the full printable recipe, please visit: Video Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 0:42 Making the meatloaf mixture 2:05 Placing in the microwave container 2:21 Microwaving the meatloaf and tips 3:01 Making the glaze 3:30 Glazing the loaf 3:58 The outcome 4:32 Taste test 5:00 Conclusion , meatloaf, groundbeef, microwavecooking