Mostly Autumn 2002 The Fiddlers Shindig ( DVD 2005)
Mostly Autumn 2002 The Fiddler s Shindig (DVD 2005) 01. OvertureForge of Sauron (Josh) 02. Greenwood the Great (Josh) 03. Dark Before the Dawn (Josh, Faulds, Jennings) 04. Spirit of Autumn Past (Josh, Jennings, Findlay) 05. Evergreen (Findlay, Josh) 06. The Last Climb (Josh) 07. Shindig (Faulds) 08. Never the Rainbow (Jennings, Findlay) 09. Noise from My Head (Josh, Jennings, Findlay) 10. Shrinking Violet (Findlay, Josh) Brian Joshlead guitars, vocals Heather Findlayvocals, guitar, bodhran, tambourine Iain Jenningskeyboards Liam Davisonguitars Angela Goldthorpeflute, recorders, vocals Andy Smithbass Jonathan Blackmoredrums