Disney Princess dress compilation Tik Tok part 2, by Yaffie Dreams Designer Aleks Ponomareva
Disney Princess inspired dress compilation TikTok, by Yaffie Dreams Designer Aleks Ponomareva Part 2 Please tell us which princess dress would you like to see next Our instagram aleksponomareva , disneyprincess, snowwhite, aladdin, ariel, princessariel, littlemermaid, cinderella, disneycosplay, halloweencostume, cosplay, yaffiedreams This compilation includes several costumes designed by Aleks Ponomareva :) including new version of little mermaid dress Teal Princess Ariel dress, Snow White s classic gown in blue, red and yellow (that we changed to gold to add a royal touch to it), Moana s iconic outfit, cute wedding version of Cinderella in white and purple Jasmine outfit inspired by the second Aladdin movie. What kind of dresses would you like to see next :) More beautiful dresses to be posted soon. Stay tuned :)