Dr Steve James: I d sacrifice my job over vaccine mandates
Freddie Sayers meets NHS consultant Dr Steve James. Listen to the podcast version: nhsdoctorimwillingtolosemyjobovervaccinemandates Accompanying article here: Dr Steve James is a critical care consultant at Kings College Hospital in London. When Health Secretary Sajid Javid visited last Friday, he asked the NHS staff about what they thought of the forthcoming mandates that will make Covid vaccination a condition of deployment for NHS staff. Dr James spoke out, saying why he was against the mandate and why he hadnt taken the vaccine himself. It made headlines across the UK media, in particular coming from a Cambridgeeducated NHS frontline doctor. Dr James came in to the UnHerd studio to explain his position in more detail to Freddie Sayers. , , Timecodes, , 00:00 01:40 Introduction 01:40 05:36 Is the unvaccinated doctor who confronted Sajid Javi