Big Mac ( Nowhere Man)
Ok, I personally think this is one of our most dead on covers of a Beatles song Me and qdBrony pumped this out in three days and it turned out stunningly Hope you all enjoy it I do not claim to own the Beatles, their music, or My Little Pony. This is for entertainment purposes only. MP3: He s a stallion called Big Mac, Guarding his Big Apple Stack, Making plans for his Big ranch and nopony. Has a narrow point of view, Knows just what he s going to do, Isn t he a bit like you and me Big Mac, Friendship is Magic, Not your fancy mathematics, Oh Big Mac, the ranch is at your command (lead guitar) An Eeyup might just suffice, His life just may need more spice, Oh Big Mac no need to say much more. Oh Big Mac, don t worry, You are hurt, don t hurry, Leave it all till Applejack comes and lends you a hoof Has a narrow point of view,