Bolt Cutter Needed To Save Seal
This seal had a bright blue spool stuck around his neck. He likely played with it under water, and it slipped onto his neck, and he could not get it off by himself. As he grew, the spool became tighter and tighter, stopping him from hunting and even breathing properly. The rescuers could see immediately that the spool was not movable anymore, they had to take the bolt cutter out. A first attempt to saw it off was unsuccessful, because the animal became too stressed out. Naude used the bolt cutter to slowly chip away the hard plastic and eventually the team could bend it open and Wally managed to break it in half, which was needed to remove it from the seal s neck. Thanks to Wally s awesome new release system, the rescuers could safely open up the front of the rescue net and watch the seal run off into the safety of the ocean, hopefully to have a big meal. The first day of his new life.