Learn Chinese for Beginners: Occupation Vocabulary in Chinese Easy Chinese Lesson
Learn common occupation job vocabulary in Chinese with example sentences Expand your Chinese vocabulary and talk about occupation and jobs with confidence. For more Chinese courses to improve your Chinese speaking, listening writing skills, join our premium membership to get unlimited access to 1000+ Chinese lessons, mp3, ebooks, quizzes: Step 1. Join the premium membership here: Step 2. Visit: to download the mp3 pdf files of this lesson. This lesson is designed for absolute beginners and learners who want to expand their Chinese vocabulary. Try to repeat after the teacher so that you can memorize the words better, and practice your pronunciation as well. What can you get from the premium membership Get unlimited access to essential Chinese courses that cover listening, speaking, reading, writing, like HSK series of courses, Chinese pronunciation, daily conversational Gain full access to future courses, practical lessons