Measure for Measure Live Capture Cheek by Jowl
Cheek by Jowl By William Shakespeare Directed by Declan Donnellan Designed by Nick Ormerod Please note: This video has been made available for educational purposes only. Any other use of this material is expressly forbidden. Sharing this link violates Cheek by Jowl copyright. Livecapture filmed on 22 April 2015 at the Barbican, London. Age guidance 16+ This video is offered as part of our integrated Measure for Measure education pack. The pack contains essays, interviews and classroom or homework exercises, fully integrated with the fulllength video recording. Our packs are geared towards supporting theatre education and are accessible to students, teachers and academics. Follow the link for more information and to get the pack. Find out more about this production of Measure for Measure: Visit the Learning hub on our website to access more Cheek by Jowl educational resources: Twitter: CbyJ Facebook:, cheekbyjowl Instagram:, wearecheekbyjowl